The Conventional Well Task Force: Cost savings and teamwork lead to top recognition

In a competitive industry like ours, every dollar matters. And companies with people who find innovative ways to reduce costs while upholding foundational priorities, like safety and environmental stewardship, can achieve great things. That’s exactly what our Conventional Well Task Force did. The group of internal experts supporting our Conventional operations in Western Canada was established to reduce capital, shorten the time it takes to bring new wells on to production and maximize value while maintaining safe operations.

Thanks to their efforts, the task force redefined how we drill wells, prepare them for extraction of natural gas and connect them to our existing infrastructure for processing. This reduced the development costs of each well by 17%, translating into significant expected capital savings for future development.

The task force’s great work earned them a Cenovus President’s Award for exemplifying our value of Do it together. It’s the highest form of staff recognition we have at Cenovus, acknowledging teams and individuals who demonstrate our values and the best of Cenovus through their everyday actions and behaviours.

Hear more about the team’s impact from Rydell Ohryn, Staff Reservoir Engineer, and Mitchell White, Business Integration Manager* who nominated the team for the award.

*Rydell and Mitchell have moved into new positions within Cenovus Energy. The above video was filmed prior to these changes and reflects their previous positions/titles.


And the President’s Award goes to…Our Minnedosa Ethanol Plant for saving millions in feedstock costs
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Then & now: Meet Joel and Mike from our northern Alberta oil sands operations
Joel and Mike joined Cenovus in the mid-2000s, and credit their tenure to our culture of continuous learning. Learn more.
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