

We have operations and exploration prospects offshore in the Asia Pacific region and Newfoundland and Labrador. Our focus in these regions is primarily on developing commercial natural gas, natural gas liquids and oil resources.

Our offshore operations


China: Liwan Gas Project

Our Liwan Gas Project was the first deepwater gas project offshore China and delivered first production in 2014. We hold a 49% interest in the Liwan 3-1 and Liuhua 34-2 fields, which share a subsea production system, subsea pipeline transportation and onshore gas processing infrastructure. We also hold a 75% interest in the Liuhua 29-1 field, which achieved first production in November 2020.  

We operate the subsea facilities – including the subsea production system and the subsea pipeline transportation system. Our project partner, CNOOC Limited, operates the shallow water facilities – including the platform, subsea pipeline to shore and the onshore Gaolan Gas Terminal. This terminal extracts both condensates and liquids, and then compresses and moves the gas to commercial markets in mainland China.


China: Pearl River Mouth Basin

We have a production sharing contract for an exploration block in the Pearl River Mouth Basin offshore China, where commercial development plans are being progressed after the successful drilling and testing of an exploration well.


We are producing and developing gas fields in the Madura Strait PSC, offshore East Java, Indonesia. These shallow-water fields include the producing, BD, MDA and MBH fields, and development of the MAC and MDK fields. We hold a 40% interest in these projects, which are being developed in partnership with operator CNOOC Limited and a subsidiary of Samudra Energy Limited.

Natural gas discoveries at the MBF and MAX fields in the PSC are currently being evaluated for commercial development.


Atlantic Canada

We have been working offshore Newfoundland and Labrador for over 40 years. We operate in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, where we are the majority owner and operator of the White Rose field. This includes our North Amethyst, West White Rose and South White Rose extensions. All our producing fields use the SeaRose floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. We are also joint venture partners in the Terra Nova field (operated by Suncor).

To learn more about the West White Rose Project, visit the project page.

Learn more about working in Atlantic Canada.

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Benefits Agreement

Companies from Canada and from Newfoundland and Labrador are given the opportunity to participate in our projects consistent with the objectives of the Atlantic Accord. Benefits to Canada and to Newfoundland and Labrador are outlined in the White Rose Benefits Plan and subsequent amendments. Review the Benefits & Diversity Reports.

Procurement opportunities

Please note that any updates, bulletins and/or clarifications regarding Atlantic Canada procurement opportunities will be posted here.


We collect environmental effects monitoring data every two years. The program was designed from baseline data collected at the White Rose field and subject to approval by the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) and other environmental regulatory agencies.

The White Rose Production Phase Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Design document and the Baseline Data Collection Reports can be downloaded here.

Fisheries Damage Compensation Program

Cenovus has developed the Fisheries Damage Compensation Program to provide fair and timely compensation to commercial fish harvesters, aquaculturists, and fish processors for damage to fisheries gear and vessels that is directly attributable to Cenovus’s operations offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.  Eligible claimants, as described in the Fisheries Damage Compensation Program document, are encouraged to review the Program and complete and submit any relevant forms. 

2018 South White Rose Extension oil spill

On April 26, 2024 Cenovus was sentenced in relation to a 2018 spill from a flowline connector at the South White Rose Extension drill centre.

We deeply regret this incident happened and work hard every day to protect each other, our communities and the environment.  We’ve also shared our lessons learned with other operators and continue to work collaboratively with regulators and industry peers to enhance environmental and safety stewardship in the basin.

Click here to read the Agreed Statement of Facts.