Conventional Pikes Peak

Conventional oil and natural gas

Our conventional oil and natural gas operations are located in Western Canada. They include assets rich in natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) within the Elmworth-Wapiti, Kaybob-Edson, Clearwater and Rainbow Lake operating areas in Alberta and British Columbia, as well as interests in numerous gas processing facilities. These assets provide short-cycle development opportunities with high-return potential that complement our long-term oil sands development and serve as an economic hedge for the natural gas we use at our oil sands and refining operations.

Our conventional operations

We have production and operations in a liquids-rich natural gas fairway located along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in northwestern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. Cenovus’s Conventional segment includes assets rich in NGLs and natural gas within the Elmworth-Wapiti, Kaybob‑Edson, Clearwater and Rainbow Lake operating areas in Alberta and British Columbia and interests in numerous natural gas processing facilities.



Cenovus is one of the largest natural gas producers in the Elmworth-Wapiti area, located in northwest Alberta and northeast British Columbia.  It is a mature area that was historically developed with conventional vertical well technology but Cenovus has shifted to horizontal drilling in its development programs to unlock the vast resource potential.

The primary processing facility in the area is the Cenovus-operated Elmworth plant and we hold significant working interests in four other major natural gas processing facilities in the region.



Cenovus operates natural gas facilities in the Kaybob-Edson area, which is situated in west-central Alberta  including the Peco and Wolf plants.



The Clearwater area is in west-central Alberta. Cenovus operates natural gas processing facilities in the area, including the Sand Creek and Alder plants. This mature area is historically developed with conventional vertical well technology.

Rainbow Lake

Rainbow Lake

Rainbow Lake is located approximately 900 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, Alberta. Rainbow Lake consists of two distinct areas, Rainbow Lake and Bivouac, with assets including two natural gas plants and multiple field facilities, including compressor stations with over 1,100 kilometres of pipelines.

Cenovus holds a 50 percent interest in a 90-megawatt natural gas-fired cogeneration facility adjacent to its Rainbow Lake processing plant. The cogeneration facility produces electricity and steam for the Rainbow Lake processing plant, and any excess power generated is sold to the Alberta power pool.