Out-of-this-world technology connects staff in remote locations

For Cenovus Energy staff working in remote locations, such as the SeaRose floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, being able to stay connected to family and colleagues who are hundreds of kilometres away is important.  

A pilot at the SeaRose, using low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite networks to create a more reliable connection for our staff, helps staff meet colleagues at different worksites “face-to-face” or stay in touch with loved ones, improving safety and wellbeing. The pilot was successful, and the benefits so appreciated by staff, the technology will be permanently implemented in our Atlantic region.   

This satellite-based internet service has emerged as a game changer, enabling connectivity even across the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and in the harshest of weather conditions. Dependable real-time data transmission is a critical component of safe operations and enables access to key IT systems and tools, like video conferencing, cloud-based applications and remote monitoring.  

The technology uses a constellation of small satellites that wrap like an interconnected web around the earth and orbit closer to the planet than traditional satellite systems to provide high-speed, low-latency (i.e., quicker data transmission) internet, resulting in great coverage and uninterrupted communication in the most remote areas.   

“LEO satellites are a game changer,” explains Deon Boudreau, Telecoms Technician, Instrumentation at Cenovus. “We can now use video conferencing to collaborate between our onshore and offshore teams seamlessly whereas before, the connection on the FPSO was too choppy for video calls or screen sharing.” 

“For some of the crew, using video calling with the LEO satellite connection was the first time they’ve seen their onshore coworkers.” 

Dependable communication also gives crew members a lifeline to their onshore loved ones during their down time, as well as access to entertainment to keep their spirits buoyed. 

“Historically, the offshore crew on the SeaRose had limited access to a reliable data connection because of the remoteness of the vessel and the constraints of traditional satellite technology,” says Deon. “Now, even though we’re hundreds of kilometres away, we can better support our families from afar. We’ve even been able to use real-time video to help our spouses fix home and vehicle problems on video call. Just knowing we can call home at any time, reliably, has increased morale onboard.”


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